En 14399 3

Bulloneria strutturale ad alta resistenza a serraggio controllato. Assieme vite e dado esagonali. ISO 26 ISO 965-tolerance class 6g. Keep projects, quality and budget together with fasteners from Nordic Fastening Group AB.

All BSI British Standards available online in electronic and print formats. Nut Assemblies, type HV. K- classes of the Bolt Assemblies. Prezzi in €uro per 1pezzi. MMMMMMM24.

Esse riguardano gli assiemi di bulloneria ad alta resistenza da precarico: la parte riguarda il sistema . BOLT - Property Class 8. High Strength Structural Bolting Assemblies for Preloading. High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading. Hexagon bolt and nut assemblies. View all product details.

Introduction to Allthread Industries and First Forge Australia. CATEGORIA: BULLONERIA AD ALTA RESISTENZA PER COSTRUZIONI METALLICHE. Additionally, for full compliance with k-Class k our company supply Direct Tensions Indicator washers to EN . This British Standard is the official English language version of.

Finish: Plain as processe with a light protective oil. Manufacturer, Emile Maurin. Conjuntos de tornillo y tuerca de cabeza hexagonal.

Structural bolting,Main Supplies,SBE Varvit Tension Control Bolt - TC Bolt . Garnituren für hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau - Teil 3: System HR - Garnituren aus Sechskantschrauben und - muttern. All the material are indentified with the manufacturer Id (mark). Minimum Tensile Strength.

Stress at non- proportional elongation. Friction coefficient (k-class). Technisches Datenblatt laden (PDF) zurück zur Produktübersicht.


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