Feodor dosumov

Feodor was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He took up music at which was a mere hobby. His parents insisted on his studying at the Tashkent University of Information Technology.

My guitars sound amazing with MAMA pickups! Vahagn Stepanyan - So Good (Official Video) Southern(B) - Supernatural(N). Dosumov Brothers To Mars (original).

What do you get when you mix the finesse of a Steve Vai, punchy-ness of a Greg Howe, unpredictability of a Guthrie Govan, and speed of a Shawn Lane? I took up music at which was a mere hobby. My parents insisted on his studying at the Tashkent University of Information Technology.

I abided by their demands and won an admission to the University to become a fiber-optic link engineer. But my great love for music . Designed for the serious lead and metal. Федор родился мая в Ташкенте, в Узбекистане.

Участвовал в проэктах : Alkotrio, Impact Fuse. Работал с такими артистами: Ираклием,Жасмин, А-Студио и многими другими.

В данный момент работает в . Вот такой подарок мы сделали от нашего коллектива! Я очень благодарен судьбе, что она нас свела! Очень многому у тебя учусь! Здоровья и счастья тебе и твоей семье!

Acquista vinili e CD nuovi e usati. But his great love for music . Buy Flying Swallow: Read Digital Music Reviews - Amazon. Produced by Alexey Gromakov Directed by Konstantin Batsoev Pre-production and filmmaking: Victor Lemar. Бесплатно с подпиской на Apple Music.

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