Nico carpentier

He is also an executive board member of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and he . Moreover, he is a Research Fellow at . Il libro è appena uscito in versione italiana con una bella postfazione di Giovanni Boccia Artieri, sociologo dei . Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics. H Jenkins, N Carpentier.

Bringing discourse theory into media studies: The applicability of discourse theoretical analysis (DTA) for the study of media practises and discourses. Participation has become fashionable again, but at the same time it has always played a crucial role in our contemporary societies. Studies Gender Studies, Philosophy, and Visual Studies.

POWER, MULTIDIRECTIONALITY AND CONTINGENCY Political Struggles over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology. Deconstructing nationalist assemblages is a visual essay which analyses the memorialization of two . Professional membership. The success of the new generation of media technologies – in combination with their presupposed interactive and even participatory nature – feeds the assumption that we are living another new communication revolution. In order to evaluate and value the contemporary (media) transformations, and the possibilities of the .

Introduction of the second Respublika! Towards a Sustainable Information Society, Bristol: Intellect Press, p. The community media assemblage: community media theory through the lens of the discursive-material knot. The starting point for the discussion is a section from the book . Nico Carpentier , Uppsala University.

Organized by the Center for Research and Communication for Peace (CRPC), the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Communication Faculty hosted a . Skickas inom 1‑vardagar. As part of a digital culture that emphasizes new participatory opportunities, it claims to pose a number . No academic concept offers the luxury of being completely stable and unconteste but the interdisciplinary nature of discourse studies (with strong influences of linguistics, political studies, and philosophy) has resulted in a particular diversity of meanings and uses. At the same time, exactly this diversity.

Cultural Studies Perspectives on War. Not least because of the ambition, as expressed by the editor, . Deze prestigieuze prijs werd uitgereikt door de Staatsuniversiteit van Sint- Petersburg. He is co-director of the VUB research centre CEMESO and a board member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA – formerly ECCR).

Carpentier is concerned with the different levels of participation from ordinary people in political decision-making, and the hegemonic role of mass media in this power relationship. He is deeply inspired by the post-structuralist discourse .

Department of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia. This book is composed out of two parts. The theoretical framework of the discursive-material knot consists out of a non- hierarchical ontology of the interactions of the discursive and the material, articulating the assemblages that are driven by this ontological setting as restless and contingent, sometimes incessantly changing shapes and sometimes being deeply . Licensed under the Creative.

Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Title, Media and Participation: A Site of Ideological-democratic Struggle. A cidade de Viseu foi eleita para acolher . Country: Uppsala University - Sweden. Join the future and stay informed.

Royal Holloway, University of London. Search for more papers by this author.


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